Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Smarty Pants

Maggie and Audrey did awesome this year in school! We are so proud of them! I officially have bragging rights, so here you go!

Maggie recieved the Principals award (honor roll all 3 terms) and an award for Social Studies
Here she is with her classmates after recieving her award

Audrey was also on the Honor Roll all year (her teacher even told me that she could skip to 3rd grade next year) She was student of the month for April also! They don't have an official ceremony for 1st graders, so here she is with her student of the month certificate.
Maggie also excelled in Drama. She's quite the little actress. Here she is with her buddy Emma after a play they performed called "Merlins Library". Maggie was Junie B. Jones, and Emma was Hermoine from Harry Potter.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hey! Guess What?

I'm 11 months old!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Colorado Va-ca

Owen and I took a little reconnaissance trip to Colorado since I've had Colorado on my mind since we started dental school. I had to check it out and see if it's the place for us when we move and settle next year. Overall, it's a great place. Yes, it snowed one day and was a little chilly (hard to get used to after living in Vegas) but it really is a beautiful place(not as pretty as Utah though). I think I especially like the Denver area-- there is more to do. I always had Colorado Springs on my mind--which was nice, but I think I'm more of a suburbia kind of girl. I need shopping and things to entertain me and the kids with. Denver area seemed to have everything I needed. We had a great time seeing old friends from dental school and their gorgeous homes! Here are a few pics of the trip--yes, Miles was the only one who got to go. Owen's mom graciously came and played mom while we were away. Maggie thought it was completely unfair that Miles got to go and she didn't--I reminded her that Miles was FREE!
First stop..Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs

This place was GORGEOUS! A very relaxing walk!

The Springs

Helen Hunt Falls in Colorado Springs

This was Miles pretty much the whole time in the car--not fun to travel with this guy!
But happy when he could get out and stretch his legs a bit
Dinner with the Carlstons. Callie and I have kept in touch over the years and she is such a great friend! And her new home is Gorgeous! I completely forgot to take a pic of everyone that was there so Annie Craven and Deb Cannon were there but had left already. Here is Callie, and her cute little Kate.
We stayed in Boulder with our friends the Cannons. Their home is gorgeous also! Deb and I have remained good friends since dental school also. We had some good laughs with Mark and Deb. I love these people! Man, do I look tired or what in this pic?
Owen Loved the Cannons dog Bella the Mastiff. He would have taken her home if they would have aloud horses on the airplane. She was a really sweet dog-.
Miles and I on Pearl street in Boulder--it had just snowed that morning.