Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hey! Guess What?

I'm 11 months old!


Teri said...

Oh! That has to be THE cutest picture ever!!! I love it! I love checking in with your blog!...I can't believe how big your kids are!

maria said...

Look at those thighs! I just want to squeeze them!

That trip to CO looked fun. My friend grew up in Colorado Springs and LOVED it. Why can't you just be happy with your moms basement and come back here??? :)

Eric and Caralee said...

Cute! I love those rolls ;)

The homestead said...

He is so cute- I also enjoyed? the picture of him in the car on your trip- I can relate too well to that pic.

Mary said...

I want him. Look at those thighs!!

Alyssa said...

CUTEST pic ever! He seems like a happy kid...except when your traveling, right? Looks like you had fun in CO...that would've been great to see our old peeps!

Alyssa said...

CUTEST pic ever! He seems like a happy kid...except when your traveling, right? Looks like you had fun in CO...that would've been great to see our old peeps!

harrisfamily said...

I love that I am on your dropped off the face of the planet list! I called you the other day! You are my inspiration and I promise to update my blog within a week!!!

I can't believe they only have just over a year to go...I feel like it has gone so fast.

I will try to do better Holly...don't write me off just yet!

Cathie said...

Those are the cutest rolls I have ever seen!
What fun in Colorado! (Besides Miles not liking traveling!) Alaska next!

jor said...

This picture is too cute!! Does baby #4 fly by even fast than #3?? I"m not sure I'd be able to handle that. He is such an adorable little guy!