Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Can-Can anyone?

Star in Your Own JibJab! It's Free!

I bet you never knew we were such a talented family? Well, now you know!


harrisfamily said...

That was funny! I made Brad watch it and he was like...is that Owen! :-)

St. Peters is nice the classroom Brad is in is really small and it looks brand new...I never saw it before but it was much nicer than I expected...fresh paint lots of new toys and everything looked clean. I will keep you posted on it!

nathalia said...

hahahah! Owen has pretty hot legs then and your knickers are pretty sexy! :)

Sheila said...

soooo funny! I'm going to have to do that. David will "love" being the star in his own show! Hee hee. Hey now that we're on the east coast, we should totally get together sometime. Maybe a long weekend? You're family blog is linked on mine. Isn't this fun?

Beth said...

Adorable can can family! That made me laugh!

Tamar and Trevor said...

that was so funny! Abby had us watch it 5 times. She really liked Holly's cartwheel. I love the kids faces. Maggie is toothless! I will have to show Emma.

Cathie said...

LOVED IT! Thank you for making a tired mom laugh!

Anonymous said...

So funny! I had to do one for our family. You always find the best things on the net. Thanks for sharing

Sharisse said...

It looks like you guys have really started a trend. It is funny to even see Drew dancing. Your creativity never ceases to amaze me!

Angela said...

I loved your family dance! That was the best one I've seen so far. Especially with Owen & Drew in their attractive dresses! My kids were laughing through the whole thing!

Jenny Preece Schomaker said...

So fun to see... did you go to the Macy's day parade? Did you like it? We loved it when we went but it was soooo cold.... I do miss being so close to all that :)

Jenny Preece Schomaker said...

So fun to see... did you go to the Macy's day parade? Did you like it? We loved it when we went but it was soooo cold.... I do miss being so close to all that :)

mid said...
