Wednesday, May 28, 2008

21 Day Body Cleanse

Owen and I started the 21 day body cleanse yesterday. We will be refraining from caffeine, (hard for Owen, not so much for me) animal products--this includes dairy, gluten, and sugar-my weakness. Yes, this is going to be a challenge for us. Owen and I have really slacked off this year. I think the added stress has really taken over our lives and so we're committing ourselves to better health. Yesterday wasn't too bad, and I actually felt that I had a lot more energy. --I did have a massive headache around 11, but I think it is my body detoxing itself from sugar. Amazing enough, I weighed myself yesterday and this morning and I already lost 5 pounds. Water I'm sure though. The reason we're doing this is to have a more healthy lifestyle, so we'll see if we make it and see if it changes us for good. Plus, I'm so tired of busting my butt at the gym and having no results. I had to ask my friend Sarah for some vegan recipes since cooking meat free is new to me. I'll keep posting our progress.


Anonymous said...

K, your ROCK! I'm totally proud of you and I KNOW you will see results!!

Christina Bitner said...

That's awesome Holly! Dan and I have those conversations all the time now as we appreciate our bodies after his surgery and see how special they are. It takes a lot of will power because our society is so full of the bad stuff-- fast food..etc. Way to go It takes commitment! Miss having you close. Hope the move is coming along! Fresh lime slice in your water is a yummy treat!

carlston said...

Good for you Holly... You are the bomb! I really need to commit myself to something like that. How do you get around special occasions - I make everyday a special occasion for a sugar treat!!! Keep us posted on your results - I'm totally impressed!

nathalia said...

Oooh. You are brave souls. I really admire your goals. No sugar and no meat might truly make me officially insane. Goooo Sanders!

Ben and Melissa said...

I could totally do without the sugar and dairy, but take my diet coke from me and my fangs will come out. Good luck with the detox. Any news on where you are headed? We missed you on Memorial Day.

Cannon Fam said...

wow, good luck! That's a great goal, wish I could jump on the healthy bandwagon. I crave healthy when pregnant, junk food when nursing!

Melinda H. said...

You guys can do it! It's only 21 days, right? We went last week and had our body fat tested. It was awesome. I know exactly how much muscle and fat I have. I now am not so depressed about weight because the majority of my weight is not fat, yea! I am not sure if you've ever had this done, but you have to get into a big tank of water and get on this cage/scale thingy. It was cool and I will do it every six months. Greg is doing a cleansing right now. He's doing Isagenix. I am running alot right now and opted to not do it this time around. I now how good it is for your body. You guys are doing the right thing. Eat lot's of rice and beans! Go to and it has some ways to eat vegetarian and still get the protein you ned. Good luck!