Wednesday, May 21, 2008

David Cook all the Way!


Jaeson and Traci Repscher said...

Totally agree! However, I also thought David Archaletta had a lot of talent too, but could see mself buy Cook's cd and not Archaletta's. Glad you watch!

Alyssa said...

He was my fav from the beginning, causing much argument between my mom, sister and another friend. But I love the rockers, and I will admit to buying three of his songs on itunes...he's so cool!!!!

Melinda H. said...

I think they both had tons of talent, but I also think that Cook fits the "American Idol" image more than Archaletta did. Don't you think Archaletta is more a Josh Groben type of singer? I dropped out of the whole American Idol thing until the last couple of episodes. So I didn't care who really won.

carlston said...

Holly... I didn't really get into "American Idol" - I'm kind of a social loser sometimes, however, I was watching "the view" one morning and there was an actress on there, she's on Grey's Anatomy (don't watch that either, but wish I did) and she looks so much like you. I can't remember her name. Anyway, she's very pretty and I thought of you. I thinnk her first name is Brooke, but that's the best I can do on her name. Just thought I'd mention that.