Thursday, July 9, 2009

Miles is 5 weeks!

I can't believe my sweet little Miles is 5 weeks old. The time has flown by and he has gotten so much bigger. I'm going to miss this stage, but I must say it's wearing on me a bit. I think when i move to Vegas in 2 weeks to be with Owen again, it may be a little easier. I'm exhausted trying to juggle 4 kids by myself, and having a newborn does confine you to one spot--that is the couch for me--I am ALWAYS on the couch nursing. It never ends. I should enjoy the fact that I am forced to rest and snuggle with him, but it is hard when you have 3 demanding children at your feet. We have really loved having Miles in our home, and his little personality is starting to come out with little smiles here and there. We sure do love this little guy!

I just love these little feet of his!


Cathie said...

Ahwww...he is so little! I can't imagine taking care of four kids without a spouse to help! Bless your heart! You do have darling kids though!

Sheila said...

What a handsome little guy! You're supermom with a newborn all by yourself and 3 others. You rock!

maria said...

He is so cute! I have to say that out of all your kids I think he looks the most like you--but in a little old man way! He is an adorable little chunk!

You can tell Owen that he can think of this last 2 year stint as a mission--therefore a typical missionary car is very appropriate. You can even teach Maggie how to spot for him when he is backing up...Ahhh the good ole days...

The homestead said...

What a cute baby. I'll give you a call and we can get together before you move.

Cannon Fam said...

He looks so big in these pics but he looked so small in person! I loved holding him! Almost makes me want another one!