First day of school the kids woke up super early. They were ready probably ready an hour before it actually started. I remember how happy Maggie was. She was singing Billy Curringtons song "Love Done Gone" all morning.
Maggie started 5th grade this year. King of the school right? Here in Vegas 6th grade is in Jr. High, so she could very well be in Jr. High next year if we stay..which we're not.
Maggie is starting the whole puberty talk. Before school, she started shaving her legs. They were pretty hairy, but I never said a word. It was all her doing and I gave her the lecture about how it was going to be a life committment. I think she's just beginning to be self concious about stuff like this. We found out that she already knew the birds and the bees when we gave her the rundown addition. Wasn't as painful as I was expecting. Today she came to me and said she wants to get a training bra because Gabby is always talking about hers. Oh, Mercy me. AM I ready for all this? nope.
Audrey started 3rd grade. She got lucky as usual and has all her 3 BFF's in her class this year. Audrey, Brooke, Lexi and the other Brooke. This could be trouble. She's a good kid so I'm not worried, just worried about her focasing since she is in her own world half the time. La te da te da and care free.
Drew started kindergarten this year saints be praised. We decided half day afternoon. Full day was $330 a month! Morning started at 7:50. Drew is not a morning person so that was a no go. An added bonus is that Miles naps in the afternoon so it's a win win for me. My afternoons are filled with veging on the couch watching Days of Our lives. Well, I wish, it's pretty much catch up time, but at least it's in peace. Since Drew turned 5 last December, he is one of the older kids in his class. His preschool teacher last year was on him with reading last year too. So he is very much ahead which makes it easier for me. I'm grateful because there are kids in his class that don't evern recognize the #1. I still have to reward Wii time for homework though. The wii is his first love. Isn't he a cutie? I love this little boy of mine!
And then there's Little Miles. He insisted on wearing his backpack to drop off and pick up.--everytime. Now the kids just meet me at the corner so we don't have to get out of the car. No more backpack. It was pretty cute the way he said it too.
The 2 little buddies
ANd a shout out to the Packit! These little lunch bags are a dream come true. You put them in the freezer the night before, and they keep everything cold for 12 hours. No more warm chocolate milk or cheese.
Your 1st day of school pics turned out way better than ours--your kids are so photogenic!
L O V E that 2 hour break in the afternoon!!!
Cute kids! Audrey's hair looks lighter than I remember. Is it? I guess living in the sunshine does that, huh?
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